Sweet Occasions – Linn B Halton + Giveaway

Sweet Occasions – Linn B Halton + Giveaway


Festival of Romantic Fiction reader’s award for ‘Best Author Published’ nominee, Linn B Halton, is taking her new feel-good romance novel on tour! Sweet Occasions is set to feature on a host of book blogs over the coming days, so why not follow the action and keep up-to-date with the reviews, exclusive guest posts and excerpts, and a giveaway. 


Unknown-472What they say: 

‘Katie’s relationship has had more than its fair share of problems. After a difficult few years things begin to pick up and Katie finally realises her dream of opening up a bakery. Sweet Occasions specialises in novelty and celebration cakes, plus the most inspiring range of cupcakes anyone could possibly ask for!

Utilising her passion and skill helps to inject happiness back into her life, but it’s short-lived as things begin to fall apart. The reality is that you need to run a business with your heart AND your head. Help is at hand in the shape of her partner, Steve. He has the necessary experience, but does Katie want to tie herself to him financially, as well as personally?

Then one rainy, wintry day a bedraggled customer steps inside the door to order a cake …

Sometimes a turning point centres around one single moment in time: sometimes it takes two Christmases and three birthdays.’
Sweet Occasions is a remarkable book. It is beautifully written, with a story line that stays with you even after the book is finished. Kate and Adam’s story is very much based in reality It deals with real life issues and that is what makes this book so heart warming and touching. Finding one’s soul mate if often a fairy tale, but Sweet Occasions highlights that it can be done. It wont be a bolt from the sky, it will be a slow burn with many sacrifices along the way.

When I first started reading this book, I did not know what to expect, by Sweet Occasions exceeded expectations and really exposed a truth and wisdom when it comes to matters of the heart. Of course, it is one of those novels that keep you on the edge and guessing until the end – but the journey is worth it. Sweet Occasions is one of the best novels I have read this year and I will be re-reading it very soon. Five stars are not enough. I highly recommend.


Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US


images-293Author Bio: 

Bristol born Linn B Halton lives in Gloucestershire, in the small village of Lydbrook. It nestles on the edge of the Forest of Dean; she resides there with her adorable husband and cat with attitude – Mr Tiggs!

Whilst Linn love to write romantic novels and there is often a psychic ‘touch’ to her stories. Many of the paranormal events that feature in some of her books are real-life experiences

She is the author of five novels, one true story and three novellas. Linn is signed by HarperImpulse and US publishers Sapphire Star.



Author Links 

Website  | Twitter  | Facebook | Buy | Pinterest | Loveahappyending Lifestyle |

HarperImpulse |  Sapphire Star Publishing |  Romantic Novelists’ Association



Enter to win the following:


First Prize: Signed paperbacks of The Quintessential Gemini and The Restaurant @ The Mill

Second Prize: Signed copy of Never Alone

Third Prize: E-copies of Never Alone, Touched by the Light, The Quintessential Gemini and The Restaurant @ The Mill

Please see author’s page for Rafflecopter entry 


Terms and conditions: 

All ebook prizes will be given to winners in a format chosen by the author, Linn B Halton. No responsibility is taken for the non arrival of paperback prizes. Linn B Halton and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel and/or amend giveaway details at anytime and without prior notification.

Image credit: Freepik 


Cover Reveal: The Prophecies by Hollie Martin

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000446_00068]

The world is a big place, will Eve really be the one to save it?

Eve grows stronger and more powerful every day as she strives to ensure she is ready to face her destiny. But some of her gifts are unwelcome. Eve’s visions of the future become darker and those she loves are in terrible danger. But when her actions result in tragedy, Eve is called before The Oraculum, the council that created her

When she is summoned to their castle she becomes aware of a rift between the council members that not only could endanger her life, but could put the whole planet at risk. Would The Oraculum really turn against her and risk everything?

But in the darkness, a light burns bright. Her love for Seth is stronger than any of her powers.

But as she battles against a new threat, can she really forsake those closest to her in order to save the world? Will everyone Eve loves survive?

The SentinelThe Sentinel, Book 1 of the series is only 77p/99c so if you haven’t read it yet you can download it here http://myBook.to/TheSentinel

Review: Mexican Kimono by Billie Jones



About the book

teaser 3Samantha knows what she wants from life – and she’s got it!

1.A loving family. OK, her Mum’s plan to marry her off to the world’s most metrosexual man might not be ideal… but it’s only because she cares!

2.A great job. Or at least: a job that leaves plenty of time to update Twitter and shop for designer bargains online…

3.A credit card, with a very generous limit. So generous that she’s just spent over $10,000 on an antique kimono…

But suddenly Samantha’s charmed life starts to fall apart! From a hair-related fire to losing her job, Sam’s facing bad karma – and it all started when she bought that kimono…

Sure, it’s ridiculous. How could a piece of silk ever bring bad luck? But it can! Because, whether Samantha likes it or not, someone wants to teach her a lesson: it’s what’s inside that counts.

But will Samantha slow down long enough to listen?



Mexican Kimono is a uproarious chic-lit masterpiece. Billie Jones gets it! This novel was sassy, witty and novelized gold dust. I identified so much with Sam from my single days, and I remember feeling exactly the same way- except this time, the happy ending was provided.

Sam is such a complex character, and you can see real development through the book. She became less of a fictionalize character and more of a friend.

Mexican Kimono has to be read! It isn’t just a book- it is an experience!

tour poster 3

About The Author

Billie Jones is a writer from Australia who enjoys imaging herself wrestling

killer crocodiles and swimming with great white sharks. She thinks she may have

to attempt base jumping so she can write about it and Bungee is on the list

too. You can find her either in front of her computer writing about her

fictional adventures or at the beach searching for the next perfect wave.





tour poster 1A special extract from the novel, just for you:

5. The Hair Psychologist

I held my breath until I reached the taxi rank. Once I flagged an incoming taxi, I managed to relax and do a big old evil belly laugh. I pictured JJ finishing the bottle of chardonnay, ordering another perhaps even more expensive wine. He’d eat my main meal, then his. Then it would dawn on him. I was not coming back. He would have to leave his fake Prada sunglasses as collateral and make some frantic phone calls for cash to get out of there with any shred of dignity.

The taxi pulled up, and I jumped in without taking any notice of the driver’s details. I was too distracted picturing JJ’s handsome face trying to explain to Alberto why he couldn’t pay. Then, JJ takes Alberto’s soft manicured fingers in his strong warm hand, and convinces him he could pay in other ways. Alberto’s eyes light up and he kisses… eww, hang on. Damn it! That’s not the right fantasy. Bloody cheating bisexual men. It’s rife around here, I’m telling you.

I shook the image from my mind and glanced at the registration of the driver. I began to text it to my mum when a distinctive voice pipes up and says, “So, how was lunch, love?”

You’ve got to be friggin’ kidding me. Beer belly Bob. Of all the luck.

“I was left unsatisfied, if you must know, Bob.”

“Boy trouble, love?”

“You could say that.”

“What’s the trouble? He’s not a vegetarian too, is he?”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure how to answer that, Bob. I’ve heard lesbians described as vegetarians, so does the same apply to straight men that turn gay, then straight, then almost definitely gay again?”

“You’ve got me there, love. I have no idea. So, your boyfriend’s gay?”

“Yes. He’s gay and the only slot he is interested in is the one that swipes my credit card.”

Beer belly Bob looked slightly shocked, but managed to change the subject back to himself, like most good cabbies do. “So, I called my sheil – I mean Val – like I told you I was gonna. I’m all set to take her out to this Indian vego place tonight. I was thinking of buying her some flowers and maybe some chocolates.”


“Yeah. I thought I might get a hotel room, you know, with a spa. Get some of that non-alcoholic champagne she loves.”

Ew. Go away naked mental picture of Bob in the bath.

“Yeah, then I thought I’d surprise her and scatter rose petals all over the bed, you know, all romantic-like.”

“You’re very original, Bob. Did you think of that all by yourself?”

“No, love. I wish. Saw it on a movie.”

I just wanted to get home, but it’s the saint in me, I tell you. I had to, something literally forced me to. “Bob, what are you planning on wearing tonight?”

“Well, my birthday suit eventually,” cue disgusting bawdy laugh.

Another mental picture I’ll need erased by regression therapy.

“To the date, Bob. What are you planning on wearing on your date?”

“Oh, I’ll just chuck a shirt on over this one I think, love. Maybe spray on a bit of Old Spice.”

Aptly named. Old.

“Hmm. I was thinking, Bob, you really need a new look. You look like a truck driver that’s been on the road. For a few months. With sheep. Who have fleas.”

“A new look? Val likes me just as I am.”

“I bet she makes you take a shower before she kisses you. Am I right?”

He narrowed his bloodshot eyes at me.

“I bet she bought you a ‘special’ toothbrush just for her house. Am I right?”

“Well, yeah, but that’s only ‘cause…”

“I bet she came to your house only the once and has never been back. Am I right?”

He hung his head and said, “Yes. You’re right.”

It’s like I have a gift. I had to help him. For the sake of his poor girlfriend.

“Right, Bob. I’m very busy you know. Stop at these shops here. Bring your credit card and let’s go.”

Bob pulled in to a narrow car park and wearily followed me into the shop. He really was very shabbily dressed and I was risking my reputation just by being seen with him. What can I do, though? I’m just a good person. Saint-like.

Bob followed meekly behind me with his head hung as low as his thick neck would allow, like he was trying to hide his face in his chin folds. I filled my arms full of clothes and directed him to the change room. I sat expectantly on a blue and yellow striped chaise lounge. I knew Bob could be transformed from booze hound barfly to, well, one step up from that.

“I’m ready, but I’m not coming out. I look ridiculous,” Bob whispered sharply over the change room door.

“That’s an impossibility. You looked ridiculous before we came in here. Be a man for God’s sake and come out so you can see yourself from every angle.” Big tough men were all the same deep down. Sensitive and scared.

Bob walked out in loose fit denim jeans coupled with a navy blue long sleeved shirt that nipped in slightly at his waist. It had small white pinstripes running down the length of it. He looked like a different person.

“What’s wrong with that? You look great. What size shoe are you?”

“What’s wrong with my thongs?”

“Bob. I’m on a schedule here. Things will move quicker if you just listen.”

The shadow cleared from his eyes. He had no fight left. “Size eleven.”

I walked to the shoe section, which sold genuine leather shoes in every colour imaginable. I picked a black, brown and beige and six pairs of matching socks. He could wear his thongs on Sundays.

“Try these.”

The black boots fit perfectly and again I realised how gifted I was. I had a natural talent for shopping.

Bob stood in front of the mirrors and eyed himself cautiously. “I like it, but it doesn’t feel like me any more.”

“Will you miss the grubby old polo, Bob? Now try on the rest of the clothes. We’re running out of time.” I shooed him back into the plush-purple carpeted change room and decided I’d call Kylie even though she was a no good, gossiping liar, to see if she could fit Bob in for a mercy cut.

“What now?”

I decided to ignore her curtness and get straight to the point. “I have an emergency client for you. He has a date tonight and he can’t possibly go looking like the Bee Gees. The dead ones. Bad hair coupled with pallid and pasty skin, it’s not nice to look at.”

“What? Who is he?”

“Bob. A taxi driver I met today. Can you meet at my place?”

“You want me to cut the hair of some random taxi driver you met today and you’re taking him to your house?”

“God, when you say it like that it sounds creepy! Good point, though. Let’s meet at your house in half an hour.”

“No, I’ll meet at yours. He’ll be the last client anyway.”

“Ok, if I’m not there on time just make yourself comfortab …”

“Samantha, this is not a social experiment, just friggin’ get there on time!” And with that, she hung up on me for the third time that day.

I glanced over at Bob, who was still looking at himself sceptically in the full-length mirror. “C’mon, Bob, we’ve got another appointment. Grab the clothes and pay. I’ll meet you in the cab.”

Five minutes later, Bob returned to the car. His face was devoid of all colour and his eyes seemed vacant, dead almost.

“Bob, what happened? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

He glared at me and said, “Are you on commission for that shop? Jesus, that little bundle of clothes just cost me two months wages!”

“God, is that all? I thought something serious had happened! Let’s go, my friend Kylie is going to try and do something with that hair of yours.” He looked at me and went to speak, but thought better of it.

During the elevator ride up to my floor, I explained to Bob how many CCTV cameras he’d been seen on today with me just in case he was some kind of homicidal maniac. He looked at me blankly and said something totally nonsensical: “I think I’d be let off once a jury of my peers met you.”

As if. I pictured myself flouncing around a court room, yelling, “Objection!” I’d wear those thick black spectacles so people would notice my intelligence and not just my looks. Then I’d wink at the cute juror, the one that looked like Keith Urban, but with shorter hair. Why oh why did he have to be married to Nicole?

I opened the front door of the unit and walked smack bang into hundreds of tiny little mirrors hanging from the ceiling on thick silver wire.

“What the hell?” I said, as I tried to untangle myself from their tentacle-like clutches.

The house smelt like coconut. Hmm. I walked over to where my hall table usually sat, to find a row of three pot plants with round leaves. Hmm. There was some kind of waterfall music playing – the kind that stresses you out because you know it’s meant to calm you and the more you think about being calm the more stressed out you get.

I walked to the kitchenette and snatched up a hastily written letter.


I feng shui-ed for you. The mirrors should turn your fortunes around. Your front door faces your back door and your money walks in and right out again. Don’t forget to water the plants. It’s bad feng shui to kill a living thing. (You might want to consider this when you’re eating meat. Cows have feelings too, you know.) I’ve taken the liberty of moving your furniture around so you have good Chi. Please, please get rid of that dress! Heed my…

I screwed up the letter and boiled quietly on the inside. Crazy woman! I made a mental note to get my locks changed. My Mum was obviously practising some kind of occult ritual on me, her innocent daughter and guinea pig, so she could perfect her craft and charge unsuspecting customers. She was a crook, a charlatan, a swindler even.

Kylie knocked on the door and let herself in. “So, where is he?” she said as she walked into the mirrors and was momentarily blinded by the swirling prisms of light. “Whoa, your Mum’s been here, I take it.”

“You’re late!” I screamed at her, maybe somewhat unwarrantedly (that goddamn waterfall music had me on edge), “Can you start on Bob here, so I can finally relax? It’s been a hell of a day.”

“OK, OK. Don’t get your knickers in a knot. Geez, I’ve come all the way over here for the second time in two days!”

“What do you mean ‘all the way over here’? You live next door!”


“So? So, next door isn’t even two metres away!”

“So?” Kylie kept going, she couldn’t let me get the last word in. “I could be relaxing too, you know!’

“Fine, fine. Can you just get started then?”

Kylie huffed and puffed like she was the big bad wolf while she unpacked her tools. Bob was busy trying to look inconspicuous.

“Hi, Bob, I’m Kylie. Have a seat for me here, will you?” she said, pointing to a dining room chair.

“Hi, love. I just need a small trim, I think.”

Kylie nodded and summoned me. “Sam, what’s the plan for Bob today?”

“Well a metro-sexual style won’t suit will it?” I asked.

“No, he’s definitely not sharp enough for that. What about retro-sexual?”

“It’s gotta be better than bet-tra sexual! Hair style for the chronic gambler!”

Kylie laughed and then remembered the seriousness of the situation and became a little bit emotional.

She held Bob’s hair between her fingers and tutted, “Now, Bob,” she said in a soothing tone, “I can fix this, but we have to get to the source of this flagrant self-abuse. Your hair is a living thing too, you know. Why would you spend years hiding behind dirty unkempt hair, Bob? This is a safe environment, Bob. You can be honest. I won’t judge you.” Bob looked at me like he feared for his life. I guess he’s never had his hair cut by a hair psychologist before.

“Ah, I’ve just been busy. It’s only hair, love.”

Oh, God. Wrong answer. Who says that to someone holding razor sharp scissors?

Kylie sucked in her breath so severely I thought she was going to pass out.

She shook her head and walked away from Bob. “Samantha, I’m going to need a minute here,” and she sat on the lounge with her head between her knees and concentrated on shallow breathing. She muffled through her red cotton skirt. “This is more serious than I thought!”

I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of white wine, hoping a glass or two each, would help diffuse the situation.

“Glass of vino, anyone?”

Kylie stood up and walked back over to Bob. “I can only have green remember?”

“Well, white wine is made from green grapes.”

Kylie smiled for the first time in a while and said, “Of course, I’ll have a big glass, then. This is going to get worse before it gets better.”

Bob lifted his knees up and hugged them into his body. He started rocking back and forth a little strangely. Kylie whispered to me, “This is all part of the process, don’t let it scare you.”

She put on her serious voice and said, “Bob, was it your Mum? She cheated on your Dad, didn’t she? It made you feel invisible didn’t it?”

Bob ignored her and continued rocking, only adding a small mewing sound like a lost cat.

“Or, was it the kids at school, Bob? You were always picked last for sport weren’t you? You had asthma and couldn’t run fast, could you?”

I must say I was fascinated. I think we were getting somewhere here.

“It was your ex-wife, wasn’t it, Bob? She started buying your clothes from K-Mart and cutting your hair herself, didn’t she? You kept quiet even though you started to resemble Bob Hawke, didn’t you?”

Bob’s eyes widened and his body stiffened. The rocking stopped as suddenly as it started. Kylie nodded to me and said, “It’s OK, Bob. It’s OK. There, there. We can fix this.” Bob started sobbing and cried, “Yes, please, I’ll do anything! I’m so sick of the Bob Hawke jokes. She did it on purpose, you know! She was evil, pure evil!”

“Ok, you’re going to have to commit to a six week treatment plan. Every six weeks you need to see me. Now it’s not going to be cheap. Cheap is what got you into this mess, remember?”

“I can pay!”

“Hallelujah, Bob. I’m going to start cutting now. Try to relax. This is a safe environment. If you need a break, you just let me know, ok?”

“OK,” he sniffed, wiped away his tears and looked suddenly hopeful. I left them to it, it was becoming a little too Tyra Banks for me.

My phone started playing the Jaws theme song.

“Hi, Mother. I noticed you did some redecorating.”

“Darling. You sent me a message about Bob? And I just wanted to say …”

“Oh, it was nothing, just the taxi I was in, for precaution.”

“Right, so … you didn’t actually talk?”

“No, not really,” I could see where this was leading, some kind of new therapy she’s designed targeting taxi drivers. Bloody con woman, she’d rob children if she could get away with it. “So, I noticed you broke into my house, again.”

“Darling, I wouldn’t call it breaking in, I have a key you know, and I’ve been so worried about you. Tell me everything that’s happened since I saw you yesterday!”

“Well, I think you of all people know exactly what’s happened to me since yesterday.”

“Darling, what does that mean?” She used that mawkish mother voice that sounded very innocent, thus implying to me, she was very guilty.

“I think you should use your powers for good not evil, Mum.”

“Darling, are you on that sugar-free diet again? You sound a little on edge.”

I thought about all that had happened. Really, I was some kind of machine to keep going with all I’d been through, who wouldn’t be on edge? I decided to change the subject.

“JJ is back in town. I escaped from a potentially expensive lunch date.”

Mum sighed. “I love JJ, darling. I think you get too caught up in that imagination of yours when you are with him. He loves you. I’ve done his numbers. You two are well suited.”

“Oh, please, Mum! He’s obviously gay!”


Review: Strings Attached – Mandy Baggot – Giveaway & Special Offer

Strings Attached – Mandy Baggot – Giveaway & Special Offer


Mandy Baggot is amping up the romance with her smash hit book Strings Attached! The contemporary romance author will be dancing her way around numerous blogs over the coming days so stay tuned to get the lowdown with reviews, a guest post and a hefty giveaway.

But best of all, Mandy has knocked more than 60% off the book for the duration of the tour so it’s now just 99p. What a price, what a bargain, what a gal!


Unknown-463What they say:

‘Strings Attached – One pull could change your life

Caterer George Fraser has a mission. She’s going to prove everyone wrong. Ambitious owner of catering firm Finger Food and black sheep of her family, she’s determined to succeed in business where she’s so far failed in her personal life. Asked to cater for gorgeous rock star Quinn Blake’s after-show party her life suddenly takes a turn for the dramatic.

Magnetically drawn together, George and Quinn embark on a relationship that no one must know about. But is Quinn everything he seems or is there more to his star life than he’s telling her?

Things hot up when George is invited to the wedding of the millennium and her integrity very soon becomes compromised. With celebrity obsessed colleague Marisa in the mix and her beloved Adam spending more time in her life can George keep her secrets and hold on to her ambition, or will love finally get in the way?’


“Strings attached” is a great novel! I don’t know how Mandy Baggot does it, but she continues to write the most incredible characters, book after book. The relationship between Quinn and George is electric, with so much tension and twists and turns. Even the more delicate of situations are handled beautifully, with grace and concern.

I was sad when the book finished, because the characters became more like friends and now I wont be able to keep in touch to see how the “ever after” goes. Strings attached, is a brilliant novel that will entertain and stay with you long after the book is over. I highly recommend.


Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US


Unknown-464Author Bio:

Mandy Baggot is a romantic fiction author. In 2012 she won the Innovation in Romantic Fiction award at the UK’s Festival of Romance. Her self-published title, Strings Attached was also short-listed for the Best Author Published Read award.

Also in 2012 she signed with American publishing house, Sapphire Star Publishing, who produced her novels, Taking Charge and romantic suspense, Security.

In June 2013 she signed a two book deal with Harper Collins’ digital first romance imprint, Harper Impulse.

She is a regular contributor to writing blogs and on-line magazine, Loveahappyending Lifestyle

In May 2014 Mandy signed with Kate Nash of the Kate Nash Literary Agency.

Mandy loves mashed potato, white wine, country music, World’s Strongest Man, travel and handbags. She has appeared on ITV1’s Who Dares Sings and auditioned for The X-Factor.

Mandy is a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and lives near Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK with her husband, two daughters and cats, Kravitz and Springsteen.

She is an advocate for women in business and belongs to the networking group Women on Wednesdays


Follow Mandy

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Enter via the Rafflecopter to win:

1st Prize: £20 Amazon gift voucher + e-copies of Breaking the Ice and Made in Nashville

2nd Prize: E-copy of Excess All Areas

3rd Prize: E-copy of Knowing Me Knowing You

4th Prize: E-copy of Taking Charge

5th Prize: E-copy of Public Property

6th Prize: E-copy of Security

7th Prize Do You Remember?


All ebook prizes will be given to winners in Kindle format. Mandy Baggot and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel or amend giveaway details at anytime and without prior notification.


Review: Maximum Exposure – Jenny Harper + Giveaway!

Maximum Exposure – Jenny Harper + Giveaway!


 Jenny Harper and Accent Press are thrilled to announce the publication of Maximum Exposure, the newest addition to the Heartlands Series. They are celebrating its launch with a blog tour!


For the duration of the event, Jenny and her contemporary romance novel will be welcomed onto a selection of top book blogs for reviews and the odd guest post + enter the giveaway to bag yourself either an e-copy of Maximum Exposure, a chic daisy photo frame or a cute Daisy teddy.

Maximum Exposure WEBWhat they say: 

‘She’s a professional photographer – but is she ready to expose her heart?

Adorable but scatterbrained newspaper photographer Daisy Irvine becomes the key to the survival of The Hailesbank Herald when her boss drops dead right in front of her. And while big egos and petty jealousies hinder the struggle to save the paper, Daisy starts another campaign – to win back her ex, Jack Hedderwick.

Ben Gillies, returning after a long absence, sees childhood friend Daisy in a whole new light. He’d like to win her love, but discovers that she’s a whole lot better at taking photographs than making decisions, particularly when she’s blinded by the past.

When tragedy strikes Daisy’s family, loyalty drives her home. But it’s time to grow up and Daisy must choose between independence and love.’


Maximum exposure was a delight to read. I loved Ben, he is just delicious and wished I had one of him for my own. Daisy is completely charming and I really empathized with her. She is funny, ditzy and  a little bit disorganized.  Trying to win back her ex, Jack, she goes to incredible lengths but fails miserably. It was just not meant to be- but all she every wanted was right in front of her the whole time. Daisy really developed through out the book and you see her progression into maturity; and adult decision-making.

Maximum exposure was the perfect read. It was heart warming, tender and very funny. Beautifully written, with three-dimensional characters – it was a novel I found very hard to put down. I highly recommend.



Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US


Jenny-1Author Bio:

Jenny Harper lives in Edinburgh. She is the author of four books about Scotland and Scottish culture, a history of childbirth, and The Sleeping Train for young readers. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys walking in the Scottish countryside or anywhere warm, and travelling to Europe, America and India.


Find Jenny

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads



Enter the tour giveaway to win:

1st Prize: An e-copy of Maximum Exposure by Jenny Harper

2nd Prize: A daisy photo frame

3rd Prize: A Daisy Teddy


Giveaway is UK only. Jenny Harper and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel or amend giveaway details at anytime and without prior notification. Please see author’s page for details

Down Under


Charming the outback by Leesa Bow

untitled (10)“When jaded city girl Maddy McIntyre packs up and leaves Adelaide for a new job in the country, it’s not only a chance at a fresh start. Six months ago, the first guy she’d ever loved shattered her heart before moving home to Broken Hill. Deep down inside, Maddy is hoping that living in the same town will give her an opportunity to prove to Luke that she’s one temptation he can’t resist.

But when she arrives in Broken Hill, Luke White is not the same guy she knew in the city. And it soon seems very clear that he doesn’t want her there. Although Maddy settles in quickly, excelling at work and partying with her new friends, she can’t understand why Luke is remaining so distant. Particularly when all her instincts are telling her that they’re meant to be together – and that he feels the same burning attraction.

As Maddy learns more about Luke’s family and background, she begins to understand that his mixed messages are caused by balancing what’s expected of him with what he really wants. Maddy gave Luke her heart long ago and, despite their differences, she knows she’ll only ever be happy with her hot country boy. But how can she convince him that she’s the risk he needs to take?


“Charming the outback” is the second book in this series that started with “Winning the player”, but because of Leesa Bow’s extraordinary talent, it can be read as a stand alone. In this novel, Leesa Bow really delves into Luke and Maddy’s psyche and get to see how their dynamic really ticks.

I love the new country setting, and Broken Hill could not be more vivid. The descriptions of country life are so vivid, I feel as if I have been there myself.

Charming the outback is tender story about forgiveness, redemption, and second chances. Maddy helps Luke unpack his emotional baggage and helps him move on with his life. I thought it was very touching because Maddy’s love for him was unselfish and unconditional. I sighed so many times in delight.

Leesa Bow’s books keep getting better and better, I can’t recommend her novels high enough and I cant wait to see what she comes up with next.


17475783Talk of the town: Ella by Carolyn Butler

“The first time Ella Turner told Sid she was going to marry him she was four years old. She told him again when she was thirteen. When he came back to Cedar Dell after eleven years in the Army, his indifference hurt.

Sid Bennett thought Ella was cute at four. At seven he thought her annoying. Once a woman, she scared him, she pressed his buttons and put him in his place. But deep down he knew Ella was the one, what he hadn’t expected was that she had waited for him. ”

18397425Talk of the town: Lilly by Carolyn Butler

“Lilly Turner is happy with her life as Manager of her father’s hotel the Royal.
Her choice of vocation meets with disapproval from her Grandfather Patterson for he likens her to father’s father, the one-time wayward Pop Turner.

So when Jack Harris turns up, he tests her will power and her rules; never drink alcohol, only employ locals, never get involved with an employee and everything she has worked towards for the past eight years is threatened.

Jack Harris was raised in a hotel in Darwin. His birth certificate reads, father unknown. A builder by trade, he left Darwin in search of his father and was overseas for two years. But Jack is no ordinary drifter living from job to job, meal to meal as he portrays. He is a wealthy man owning several hotels and only stops in at the ‘Royal’ to add it to his collection…that was until he laid eyes on Lilly.


Talk of the town: Kate by Carolyn Butler

“Kate Turner, Principal of Cedar Dell Public School, has a secret — she is engaged to one man and loves another.

Tanner Rutledge, heir to the Rutledge Corporation takes up a business offer and moves to Cedar Dell. On enrolling his son in the local school he finds himself staring into the golden browns eyes of the woman whose memory has haunted him for the past several months, and he has every intention of picking up where they left off.”


Talk of the town is a series of three novellas,  each one is interwoven with the others. Every novella deals with new character, all living in the same Australian town- and each one has a unique and heart warming plot-line.

The series is a light-hearted easy read and perfect for when you want to step outside yourself and have a romantic interlude. The perfect length to tackle in an afternoon and very endearing, I can highly recommend these novellas if you are looking for a coffee break read.

Down Under Resources:




What’s hot on Steamy puddings this week: 6 days to air

The Naughty Ninjas: Derby Girls

Hearts ‘N Wined: It’s not really a blog, it’s a Facebook page but I absolutely love this page devoted to Western Australian writers. It’s a showcase of the best romance, erotica and chick lit writers in WA and there’s a whole lot of wonderful photographs and competitions.

Here is an interview with Liesl Leighton, who we previously reviewed her dark fantasy book




untitled (12)An unsuitable match by Sasha Cottman

“The Favourite Heiress…

Once engaged to the future Duke of Strathmore, the beautiful Lady Clarice Langham now finds herself in the humiliating position of celebrating his marriage – to another woman. As a result of the scandal, it seems her reign as London’s most eligible debutante has come to an end. But things begin to look up when handsome and charming rake David Radley makes it clear that, at least as far as he’s concerned, she’s still the catch of the season.

The Illegitimate Son…

The eldest son of the Duke of Strathmore, David Radley has been raised alongside his father’s legitimate children. But while he is generally received as part of the family, not everyone thinks he should be, and especially not Clarice’s father, the Earl of Langham, who forbids her from having anything to do with him.

An Unsuitable Match…

David’s been in love with Clarice for years, and it isn’t long before the attraction between them develops into something deeper. Yet he senses Clarice is hiding something and until she reveals her secret, she won’t be free to follow her heart. Despite everything, David will not give up on Clarice, not even when another seems set to claim her…


Suspense, mystery, scandal and intrigue, “An unsuitable match” is exactly what you have come to love about the period. This high quality tale, whisks you off on an adventure with David and Clarice. There is so much tension between them, that you feel there are destined to be together.

Sasha Cottman also adds her clever observations in the form of wonderful secondary characters, giving the story a touch of levity and humour.

“An unsuitable match” is a fast paced, heart warming romance with a little something extra to make it stand out from the crowd. I adore Sasha Cottman’s work and this new instalment is no exception. I highly recommend.


untitled (15)Moonstone Obsession by Elizabeth Ellen Carter

Secrets, scandal, and passion…

Selina Rosewall had given up on love, but while helping her brother further his merchant fleet business, she meets Sir James Mitchell, Lord of Penventen. Their attraction is mutual, but what James wants from the relationship goes further—much further—than Selina could have expected. And she learns that in the world of the Ton, scandal and deceit are commonplace.

For Sir James Mitchell, Lord of Penventen, it’s hard to say which is more dangerous: being a spy or being considered husband material by the Ladies of the Ton. With political machinations threatening to draw England into the violent wake of the French Revolution, the last thing James expected was to fall in love with Selina Rosewall, daughter of an untitled seafaring family. But when James’ investigation stirs up a hornet’s nest, can he protect Selena from danger that threatens her very life? “


After reading this book, the only thing I could say was, wow! Moonstone Obsession has now become my favourite book.

Although it is categorised as Historical romance, this book is anything but that. The historical research that went into to this novel is astonishing. I really felt like I was part of the action.

Elizabeth Ellen Carter creates this beautiful world of intrigue, mystery and romance, that made this book impossible to put down. Wonderful characters, wonderful plot – just a sheer delight to read.


untitled (13)The woman on the painted horse by Angela Christina Archer

“Alexandra Monroe is a slave smuggler, smuggling slaves north where they can live as free people. Her crime is sedition and her punishment, if caught, is death. The daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Montgomery, Alexandra lives a life not by her own accord, but a life she willingly accepts for her secret quest to save the lives of slaves.
One afternoon, Alexandra comes face-to-face with handsome William Graysden. Although forbidden for his Creek Indian heritage, he captivates her. They fascinate one another, and ultimately find in each other a bond they don’t wish to ignore. After a series of events, however, William must face the choice to continue the dangerous pursuit of Alexandra’s affections or forget about her. “


The woman on the painted horse is a brave novel that tackles some pretty hefty issues. The topic of the horrors of slavery is often avoided but Angela Christina Archer handles it beautifully. I found this book to be thought-provoking because of the empathy the author lends to the situations. The historical details are accurate and you really have the feeling that this book is a labour of love.

With the main issues mentioned, this novel is so much more. The love story at its core is heart warming and addictive.

The woman on the painted horse is a wonderful novel about hope, love and doing what is right regardless of the consequences. I really was moved by this novel and am giving it five stars.

divider-NEWRegency Masquerade by Vera Loy

untitled (16)“As a gambler’s daughter, Frances was resigned to spending her life masquerading as a boy, learning how to shoot a pistol and fight with a sword. Constantly moving from town to town, it was far safer than being a girl. But when her father dies suddenly, she must pack her bags and return to England, to search for the family she has never met.
Hoping to find her place at last, the last thing Frances expects is that she will need to continue the masquerade – or risk her life and her heart. An old fashioned regency romance. “


Regency masquerade is an incredibly fun regency romp. It was the kind of intelligent adventure that would make Henry Fielding proud. It was a sheer joy to read. There are also many twists and turns, that you can never anticipate what is to come next. Full of witty banter and one liners, the cleverness of this book shines out.

I honestly think I need to read this book again because I am sure I missed out on some of the truly cunning subtlety the first time. Vera Loy didn’t so much as write this novel, she crafted it, and the results encompass all the bawdiness and intrigue of the Regency era perfectly.

untitled (5)“See where love takes you”

Review: Some veil did fall by Kirsty Ferry

untitled (9) Some Veil did fall by Kirsty Ferry

“What if you recalled memories from a life that wasn’t yours, from a life before …?
When Becky steps into Jonathon Nelson’s atmospheric photography studio in Whitby, she is simply a freelance journalist in search of a story. But as soon as she puts on the beautiful Victorian dress and poses for a photograph, she becomes somebody quite different …
From that moment on, Becky is overcome with visions and flashbacks from a life that isn’t her own – some disturbing and filled with fear.
As she and Jon begin to unravel the tragic mystery behind her strange experiences, the natural affinity they have for each other continues to grow and leads them to question … have they met somewhere before? Perhaps not just in this life but in another? ”

Some veil did fall is a wonderful time-slip novel, that is impossible to put down. It is a dual era novel, that blends the Victorian with modern times. Becky, tries on a dress that starts her reincarnation adventure. Helped by her friend Lissy and Jon, they unravel the mystery, with the clues Ella left behind in a writing slope.
At its heart, there is a tender romance between Becky and Jon, although they have known each other since childhood, it isn’t until Becky experiences Ella- that she begins to see Jon in a new light.
Often witty, heart warming and bittersweet, Some veil did fall is a powerfully emotive drama, that is vivid and beautifully written.
I loved the Victorian and pre Raphaelite brotherhood elements and I have very high expectations for the rest of the series.
Perfect for Barbara Erskine fans or any one who enjoys a delightful, insightive novel that will melt your heart. Just brilliant!





Review: Fool’s Gold by Zana Bell

untitled (8)Fool’s gold by Zana Bell

“Love – is it worth its weight in gold?
It’s 1866 and the gold rush is on. Left to fend for herself in the wilds of New Zealand’s west coast, Lady Guinevere Stanhope is determined to do whatever it takes to rescue her ancestral home and restore her father’s good name.
Forced out of his native Ireland, Quinn O’Donnell dreams of striking gold. His fiercely held prejudices make him loath to help any English person, let alone a lady as haughty and obstinate as Guinevere. But when a flash flood hits, Quinn is compelled to rescue her, and their paths become entwined in this uncharted new world.
Though a most inconvenient attraction forms between them, both remain determined to pursue their dreams, whatever the cost.
Will they realise in time that all that glitters is not gold? ”


Fool’s gold is a compelling novel about the perseverance of the human spirit. The scenery is breath-taking, and Zana Bell’s beautifully written saga, comes alive. Quinn is enchanting and has a bit of Mr. Darcy about him but Guinevere steals the show. At first she comes off as a spoilt rich girl, but when you get to know her more deeply, you find a strong and feisty heroine.

Fool’s gold was a delight to read and I was saddened when I finished. It was a great historical romance that lifted my spirits. I highly recommend.

My sort of kind of hero – Emily Harper

Blog Tour: My Sort-of Kind-of Hero – Emily Harper + Kate Spade Giveaway!


Emily Harper is back! The popular chick lit author is bringing fans another of her quirky rom-coms in the form of My Sort-of Kind-of Hero. Celebrating the publication with a blog tour, Emily will be hitting some top book blogs for reviews, a couple of guest posts and a fabulous giveaway, including a Kate Spade organiser! 


Unknown-456What they say: 

‘Etty Lawrence is a bestselling romance author. At least− she would be if she could just get someone to read her books. Apparently, Amazon doesn’t consider the 500 books purchased by your mother to be ‘bestseller’ material.

When Etty’s given some simple advice from a friend − write what you know − she takes it to heart. But she’s never been in love before, and she doesn’t really have time to fall in love and write a novel at the same time. So, she convinces her slightly unwilling lifelong friend, Travis, to let her follow him around and witness real love, first hand. A third person memoir, if you will. Travis is the perfect hero for her story: he’s funny, smart, and good looking; only there’s one problem. He says all the wrong things. Does any girl really want to talk about the NHL trades? And his jokes would make a kindergarten class roll their eyes.

But the worst part is, Travis’s dates laugh at his corny jokes; the jokes he told Etty first. They touch his sweater; the sweater Etty bought him. And the way these women swoon and gush over him…they obviously aren’t leading lady material.

Now Etty has to take this love thing into her own hands if she has any hope of writing a bestseller that people other than her mother will buy.’

My sort of kind of hero is a brilliantly light-hearted novel that is a witty as it is touching. Travis, is the beta male – the under dog that comes out on top. He is the perfect romantic hero because he is truthful and honest; and totally charming.

I really enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting, because it was so genuine – and some times that is exactly how love happens.

For a great romantic escape, I can not recommend this book high enough- it will not disappoint and leave you smiling all day.


Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US


emily-harper-head-shotAuthor Bio: 

Emily Harper has a passion for writing humorous romance stories where the heroine is not your typical damsel in distress.  Throughout her novels you will find love, laughter, and the unexpected!

Originally from England,  she currently lives in Canada with her wonderful husband, beautiful daughter, mischievous son,  and a very naughty dog.

Emily is also the author of the funny and charming novels White Lies and Checking Inn.


Follow Emily

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photo 1-5

1st Prize
Kate Spade Organiser, Batman Lego Keychain and signed paperbacks of My Sort-of Kind-of Hero, White Lies and Checking Inn

2nd Prize

Signed paperback of My Sort-of Kind-of Hero

3rd Prize
E-copy of my Sort-of Kind-of Hero


Giveaway is international. Emily Harper and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel or amend giveaway details at anytime and without prior notification.

Review: First to fall by Carys Jones

cover52376-smallFirst to fall by Carys Jones

Aiden Connelly’s first case…

Lawyer Aiden Connelly has traded the frenzy of Chicago for a slower pace in sleepy Avalon – and his first case appears to be as open-and-shut as he could hope for. Hired to defend a local ex-beauty queen accused of murdering her husband, he’s confident that he’ll have the case closed in record time. But below the surface lurks a darker truth…

Will be one he’ll never forget.

Suddenly, a quiet backwater has transformed into a dangerous pressure cooker. In a town where everyone knows everyone, gathering evidence should be easy… but the harder Aiden searches, the more he appreciates how tangled this net of loyalties is. And as he digs deeper, Aiden begins to realise that his very first case in Avalon could be the beginning of his undoing…


“First to fall” is a multi-layered tense legal thriller. It is a gripping novel that keeps you hooked from the start.

The atmospheric small town of Avalon, hides many secrets and nothing is as straight forward as it appears. Aiden relocates his family there from Chicago, expecting small town charm but finds the quite life he sought, a little harder to find.

His first case, a domestic murder- opens up a mystery that keeps you guessing until the end.

Normally, I am not a fan of legal thrillers, but “First to fall” won me over. Superbly written, with an excellent plot, I wonder is there anything Carys Jones can’t do?

I read this book in less than 24 hours, because I just couldn’t put it down.